So which game engine is "Rizzo" built with?

This may need a drum roll....

The game engine I decided to use for our game "Rizzo's Crash Course Adventure" is something I'm a little sheepish about admitting. You might say that I'm stuck in the past, you might say that it's a "horrible" technology, but I'd say you'd only be half right (regarding the first bit). The shocking truth is that I've used Adobe Air to build the game. To be a bit more factual, it's not really a game engine at all, as the APIs stop at the low and middle level with none of the inbuilt higher level framework stuff that makes building games a more dedicated experience with platforms such as Unity or Unreal.

I guess without labouring the point, for those that aren't connecting the dots, Adobe Air compiles AS3 code into standalone executable packages that can run on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android (and probably Linux?). It's essentially  the final evolutionary form of Flash. So let's be super clear - the game is basically built with Flash. :'o

I won't make this a technical defence of the technology, and at this point really it's a conversation that is pretty irrelevant, but for me it's gets me where I want to go, in the quickest way I can get there. That's mostly because I've got a large library of legacy code that I've built over... gosh... 20 years?? And at this point, picking up a new technology is probably only something I'd do if I was getting paid to learn it. There are a lot of other solutions I'd love to experiment with given the time, like GoDot, Unity, Unreal but the only hands-on I've had with the latter two is more in terms of doing 3D visualisations for some other projects.

So there you go - Flash is still alive! (shhh) 

Question: On a side note, what technically ARE Unity, Unreal, GoDot and Adobe Air? Are they "platforms"? "runtime engines"?  or is "Technologies" the safest catch all word? Would love to hear what the right terminology is here, if you know, leave a comment.

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